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  4. Socay launched 40KA, 60KA, 100KA high power ceramic gas discharge tube

Socay launched 40KA, 60KA, 100KA high power ceramic gas discharge tube


?Lightning?is one of the most serious natural?disaster?year after year,?along with?the internal structure of?China microelectronics?equipment is?highly integrated?(VLSI chip),?resulting in?equipment to withstand overvoltage,overcurrent resistance?levels drop,?the lightning?(including?induction lightning?and overvoltage)?load bearing capacity?reduce?surge.?As everyone knows,?the lightning?is devastating,?the?voltage of up to?millions of?volts,instantaneous current?of up to hundreds of thousands of?amperes.?The destructive consequences?caused by lightning stroke?is embodied in?the following three?levels: the?damage of equipment;?reduce?the?equipment?or component.


北宁市| 福安市| 溆浦县| 剑河县| 寻乌县| 马边| 拉孜县| 永康市| 滕州市| 河源市| 屏东县| 林周县| 安福县| 山阴县| 兴业县| 宁津县| 灵川县| 长治县| 孝义市| 淮北市| 宣化县| 英山县| 绩溪县| 中西区| 肇州县| 绩溪县| 卢湾区| 集安市| 河间市| 松原市| 靖江市| 沁源县| 丰台区| 双柏县| 广昌县| 深圳市| 盘锦市| 北宁市| 潮安县| 眉山市| 雷波县|