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  4. Ceramic Gas Discharge Tubes SC3E5-90LSMD for Digital Monitoring Signal System

Ceramic Gas Discharge Tubes SC3E5-90LSMD for Digital Monitoring Signal System


Ceramic Gas Discharge Tubes SC3E5-90LSMD for Digital Monitoring Signal System can pass 1.2/50uS-8/20uS combined wave surge test. The digital monitoring system refers to processing the images collected by the monitoring camera into digital signals through software and hardware, and sending them to the computer for processing.Digital video surveillance system control signals are used to control the rotation of the head, the lens aperture, focus, zoom, etc., on the control signal circuit using two levels of protection, Socay electronic GDT SC3E5-90LSMD as the first level of protection, transient voltage suppression diode TVS for the second pole protection.

The device adopts SMD package, which has the advantages of easy production, common use and short delivery time. The device can pass 8/20 current wave 10KA, can pass IEC61000-4-5, GB/T17626.5 and other test standards.

The DC operating voltage of the device is 90V, the capacitance is 1.5Pf, the length: 7.6mm, the width: 5mm, and the height: 5mm. The working range is -40 ~ +90°C.

Features of?GDT SC3E5-90LSMD:

DC working voltage: 90V

Interpolar capacitance: 1.5PF

Maximum impact life?(8/20):10KA

GDT SC3E5-90LSMD Application Protection Chart:


Application of GDT SC3E5-90LSMD:

4G, 5G Router,?LED Power, Power adapter,?Dome Power·····

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