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  4. ESD protector SE05N6C01GK is used for RF port protection

ESD protector SE05N6C01GK is used for RF port protection


Radio Frequency (RF) is an abbreviation for Radio Frequency, which indicates the electromagnetic frequency that can be radiated into space, with a frequency range from 300KHz to 30GHz. Radio Frequency is abbreviated as RF Radio Frequency is radio frequency current, which is an abbreviation for high-frequency alternating current changing electromagnetic waves. The alternating current that changes less than 1,000 times per second is called low-frequency current, and the one that changes more than 10,000 times is called high-frequency current, and RF is such a high-frequency current, which is transmitted through an antenna.

Router is an indispensable communication product in our life nowadays. wifi wireless router, in fact, is to convert the wired network signals into wireless signals through the wifi wireless router, for the reception of computers, cell phones, PDAs and so on that support its technology. For example, ADSL at home, community broadband, as long as you connect a wifi wireless router, you can realize the wireless Internet access of WIFI devices.

Once the antenna RF system on the router is damaged, then our cell phones and computers will not be able to receive the signal, as a key component for transmitting information, we need to protect it.

Socay Electronics has rich experience in router antenna protection and widely uses SE05N6C01GK for RF system protection.

SE05N6C01GK main parameters: off-state voltage: 5V, standby current IR: 1uA, electrostatic voltage 25kV, capacitance: 0.35pF. operating temperature: -55 ℃ to 125 ℃, package: DF1006. this model is very wide range of applications, the following is the application of this ESD circuit.


?Widely used in routers, network intercoms, smart switches, smart meters, digital TVs, wireless microphones, TWS headphones ect.

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