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  4. The Ferrite Bead SCGB1005S102EPF Is Employed In The Protection Of Fingerprint Door Lock

The Ferrite Bead SCGB1005S102EPF Is Employed In The Protection Of Fingerprint Door Lock


Fingerprint door lock is a kind of intelligent lock with human fingerprints as the recognition carrier and means, which is the perfect achievement of computer information technology, electronic technology, mechanical technology and modern hardware craftsmanship. Fingerprint door locks are generally composed of two parts: electronic identification and control, and mechanical linkage system. The uniqueness and irreproducibility of fingerprints determine that fingerprint?door?locks are the most secure locks among all locks. Fingerprint?door?locks in addition to fingerprint identification, according to the provisions of the Ministry of Public Security, should be equipped with emergency mechanical key.

Fingerprint?door?lock core components: motherboard, clutch (semi-automatic lock), fingerprint collector, cryptography, microprocessor (CPU), intelligent emergency key, power supply equipment (battery charger transformer, etc.)

SCGB1005S102EPF main parameters: Impedance 1000Ω@100MHz, Rated Current 200mA, Operating Temperature: -40to 125, Package: 1005 This model is very widely used, the following is the application circuit of this bead.


Widely used in the fingerprint door lock, bluetooth earphone, electronic watch, bluetooth audio, smart switch, meter, video surveillance.

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