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ESD Solution for USB3.0


With the introduction of the new Ivy Bridge platform by Intel in 2012, USB 3.0 became the mainstream specification.The data transfer speed of USB 3.0 reaches 5Gbps. In order to achieve high-speed transmission speed, the USB 3.0 control chip must use the most advanced semiconductor process technology.The action of USB hot-plug often causes the electronic system to work abnormally, and even damages the USB control chip.Therefore, our electronic engineers have designed a cost-effective and reliable circuit protection solution, which can effectively solve the electrostatic discharge hazards of USB3.0 interface:


Figure: USB3.0 protection solution circuit diagram

Transient suppression diode(TVS Diode )

TVS1【ULC3304P10】Vrwm:3.0V;Vb:4.0V;Vesd:30KV/30KV;Ct(f=1MHz):0.5pF;Package: DFN2510P10

TVS2【ESD05V14T-LC】Vrwm:5.0V;Vb:6.0V;Vesd:8KV/15KV;Ct(f=1MHz):1.2pF;Package: STO-143

Solution Application?

1. Laptop, PAD, home desktop computer, industrial computer

2. Network printer

3. Set-top box

4. Mobile handheld devices

5. TV

6. Vehicle

7. Other devices with USB2.0 ports

8. DVD recorder

The Solution Note

1. Use two TVS diode on the USB3.0 power line to protect the ground and clamp the electrostatic voltage

2、The junction capacitance of the TVS diode applied in the program is less than 0.8pF, which meet the high-speed transmission of USB3.0

3. The TVS package used in the solution is SOT-143, which is small in size, saves PCB space, and is convenient for engineers to design

4.The response time is ns level, and low residual voltage

5.High integration

For more ESD protection solutions and eletronics components, please go directly to Socay's website to consult online customer service http://www.jgmf.cn/.

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