
Development Path

Since the establishment of the company, we have invested a lot of R&D and production process funds, committed to high-quality circuit protection solutions, to provide efficient technology, product, test support for global customers to meet the needs of rapid development of new products. In order to provide more convenient technology and logistics services, the sales team of SOCAY Electronics has been widely covered in North America, South America, Europe and Asia. In 2015, SOCAY completed the shareholding system reform and began to step into the high-speed track of shareholding system development.

乐业县| 文昌市| 北票市| 维西| 涪陵区| 宜章县| 易门县| 读书| 大余县| 甘德县| 康保县| 丰原市| 温泉县| 江源县| 桂东县| 三河市| 阿克| 桑日县| 房山区| 望奎县| 津市市| 乐昌市| 阿拉善左旗| 平定县| 富锦市| 成都市| 漳平市| 万全县| 荆门市| 双柏县| 普陀区| 定州市| 高青县| 甘洛县| 修水县| 五寨县| 祁门县| 普兰店市| 霍邱县| 大新县| 黑河市|