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  4. Socay electronics launched SM8S series transient suppression diodes (TVS diode)

Socay electronics launched SM8S series transient suppression diodes (TVS diode)


With the development of electronic product applic?With the development of electronic product application, socay electronics launched continuously adapt to the??ation, socay electronics launched continuously adapt to the market development needs of a new generation of transient suppression diodes (TVS diode), the products listed by a wide range of manufacturers and traders favor, orders, Triumphant news., especially the SM8S18A models of TVS diode, our current continue the delivery. The following is the details of TVS diode SM8S series products.

???? The DO-218AB package name: SM8S series
???? Power: 6600W
???? Working voltage: 10.0-43.0V
???? Current: 351-95.1A

?SM8S10 SM8S10A SM8S11 SM8S11A SM8S12 SM8S12A
SM8S13 SM8S13A SM8S14 SM8S14A SM8S15 SM8S15A
SM8S16 SM8S16A SM8S17 SM8S17A SM8S18 SM8S18A
SM8S20 SM8S20A SM8S22 SM8S22A SM8S24 SM8S24A
SM8S26 SM8S26A SM8S28 SM8S28A SM8S30 SM8S30A
SM8S33 SM8S33A SM8S36 SM8S36A SM8S40 SM8S40A
SM8S43 SM8S43A

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