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  4. Socay Vehicle-specific Transient Suppression Diode TVS TH8D33CA(Automotive grade) is used in OBD on-

Socay Vehicle-specific Transient Suppression Diode TVS TH8D33CA(Automotive grade) is used in OBD on-


The OBD system monitors the operation of the engine and the exhaust gas aftertreatment system at all times, and will alert you to any conditions that may cause emissions to exceed the limit.The OBD unit monitors several systems and components, including the engine, catalytic converter, particle trap, oxygen sensor, emission control system, fuel system, EGR, etc.


The OBD is linked to the electronic control unit (ECU) via information on various emission-related components, and the ECU is equipped to detect and analyse emission-related faults. In the event of an emissions fault, the ECU records the fault information and the relevant code and warns the driver by means of a fault light. the ECU ensures access to and processing of the fault information via a standard data interface.

In order to protect the reliable operation of the OBD system, SOCAY?has launched a high power, strong protection product for in-vehicle surge protection, the TH8D33CA.

The device is a plug-in package with up to 12,000W of power and can pass the ISO 7637-2:2004 standard for 24 V systems with a surge rating of 174 V and 2 ohms.

The device has an operating voltage of 33V, a clamp voltage of 54.7V and an operating voltage range of -55 to +155°C.




Operating voltage VR: 33V

Breakdown voltage VBR@(5mA): 36.7V - 40.6V

Clamp voltage VC @ (219.4A): 54.7V



Applications :

Car recorders

ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

OBD on-board diagnostic systems

DMS Driver Condition Monitoring System

In-vehicle LEDs

Cigarette lighter

In-car audio

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