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  4. SOCAY TVS Diode SMBJ15CA for Solar Monitoring Systems

SOCAY TVS Diode SMBJ15CA for Solar Monitoring Systems


Solar wireless monitoring system uses inexhaustible clean and environmentally friendly energy solar power supply, while the system adopts advanced audio and video long-distance wireless networking technology, making it possible to realise remote and uninterrupted monitoring in remote areas where power supply is not available. With the maturity of solar wireless monitoring system integration technology, the system has been more and more commonly used in the world. This system has the following advantages: environmental protection and energy saving, no need to dig trench or set up power racks, no need for a large number of wires, no need for transmission and transformation equipment, short construction period, no consumption of utility power and no electricity costs, not subject to geographic limitations, low maintenance costs, low-voltage without the risk of electrocution and flexibility of movement and many other advantages.

Solar wireless monitoring system is mainly composed of three sub-systems: solar power supply system, wireless video transmission system and video monitoring system.

The solar power supply system is composed of solar modules, wind turbines, colloidal batteries, intelligent charge/discharge controllers, etc., while the wireless video transmission sub-system is composed of digital bridges, 3G/4G wireless networks, COFDM, etc., and the video surveillance sub-system is composed of video cameras, end-to-end video management equipment (e.g., digital hard-disk recorders), etc.

Socay Electronics has rich experience in solar monitor protection, widely used SMBJ15CA for video surveillance system 12V power supply line.SMBJ15CA

Main parameters:

Breakout voltage: 15V

Rated power 600W?

Operating temperature: -55 ° C to 155 ° C

Package: SMB.

this model is very widely used, the following is the application of this TVS circuit.



Widely used in fingerprint door locks, street lights, switches, routers, smart switches, meters, and video surveillance.

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