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  4. Protection Application of Surge Suppression Resistor NTC in PD Fast Charging Charger

Protection Application of Surge Suppression Resistor NTC in PD Fast Charging Charger


NTC is a semiconductor ceramic device made of manganese, copper, silicon, cobalt, iron, nickel, zinc and other metal oxides through thorough mixing, molding, sintering and other processes; it is used to suppress the surge current of the charger when it is connected to the power supply. NTC is used in series on the circuit. At normal temperature, the zero-power resistance of NTC is relatively large. When the circuit is turned on, it can effectively suppress the startup surge current; and after completing the suppression of the surge current, the continuous effect of the current is used , reducing the resistance value of the NTC thermistor to a very small extent will not affect the normal operation of the circuit.

As a leader in the field of circuit protection, SOCAY Electronics www.jgmf.cnhas experience in the application of a variety of circuit protection components. In order to protect the PD fast charging charger from damage by current surges, SOCAY launched the NTC negative temperature coefficient thermistor. This device is a plug-in package with high power, large working current and easy welding.



Working voltage Vac: 240V

Working current: 0.3~20A

Operating temperature range: -40~+200°



PD fast charge

LED driver power

Server power supply

switching power supply


Typical application schematic diagram:



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